
I created this page to list the various musings from my  son Robby. He has a way with words.

David Hasselhoff is cool
Robby: We sang a song about David at school today.
Me: That's cool.
Robby: David is in the Bible, right?
Me: Very good, yes, there is a David in the Bible.
Robby: Not David Hasselhoff, right?
Me: No, David Hasselhoff is not in the Bible.
Robby: David Hasselhoff is cool though.
Alrighty then.

Robby lost a toy
Robby: Mommy, I can't find my blue car.
Me: Well, why don't you try to remember the last place you were playing with it and look there.
Robby: Mommy, if I could remember the last place I was playing with it, it wouldn't be lost.
He had a really good point there.

Listening to a Lady Antebellum song on the radio in the car
Robby:  I know that the girl who is singing is Lady
Me: Yes, she is a lady
Robby: And the guy who is singing is the bellum.
Me: What is a bellum?
Robby: You know, Lady and The Bellum.
I admit, I didn't correct him... It was too cute.

Bears are good
Robby: Why are bears good?
Me: Hmm? What bears?
Robby: You know, in the song on the radio?
Me: What song on the radio?
Robby: You know, the one that says "God is great, bears are good and people are crazy".
Me: Oh yah, that song. I guess the singer just likes bears.
He had heard the song "God is great, beer is good and people are crazy" on the radio, and didn't want him singing beer is good,  so I taught him that bears are good.

I was trying to clean off the fuzz from the velcro on Robby's tennis shoes because they wouldn't stay stuck.
Robby: How can you clean them off?
Me: I think I'll use an old toothbrush to try to get the fuzz out.
Robby: Don't use my toothbrush.
Me: Don't worry, I have old toothbrushes saved for cleaning.
Robby: Good. I don't want my shoes to smell minty
Really? I am going to use your toothbrush to clean your shoes and you're worried about your shoes?

Talking about when people go to heaven
Robby: When people fly up to heaven, I hope they have their pockets buttoned shut.
Me: Why?
Robby: So their stuff doesn't fall out of their pockets.
Very practical

As we are getting into the car
Me: Way to go Idaho... you buckled yourself in.
Robby:  Way to go mommy ho.
Umm yah.. thanks.... Really.